
Showing posts from April, 2023

The Finally

Welcome to the finally of this segment, I hope everyone is enjoying the continually warming North Dakota weather, as we are finally almost to the end of the ever lasting winter of 2023. Today is going to be the final post I share on this blog as the semester comes to a close, I will no longer be making regular posts on this platform. As for this final post I would like to share my experiences I have gained through writing this segment, as well as how it has benefited me and helped my widen my horizons.  Overall I'm glad I was given the opportunity to have a space to share my ideas, and talk about what ever I felt like. I wasn't always in the mood to sit down and write, but once I got myself doing it, it was never as bad as I made it seem in my head, in fact it was never bad at all. When I fully put my mind to it I was always able to dissect topics that I found interesting and give an analysis of those topics, as well in some cases give my opinion. There was a lot of freedom in ...