Absorbing the World Around Yourself

Welcome back Friends! It has been a long two weeks since my last post, and I hope no one was itching for a post last week, but I am here now. It has been a rough and cold couple weeks for us North Dakotan's, so I hope that other places have been better. Today I would like to discuss how absorbing the world around you can benefit your social and professional life in a number of ways. Being more aware can create a happier life and make you more aware of your surroundings.

I took the time today to just sit down and absorb the world around me. I just sat still for 15 minutes and looked around the room, while focusing on my breathing, clearing my head, and blocking out any distractions. This isn't the first time I have done such a thing, since the start of this spring semester I have taken more time to fully empty my head and look at the world from a different perspective, taking time to focus on the beauty in the small parts of the world is an important part of searching for what makes you happy, and leading a happier life in general.

Another way I try to escape the everyday stressors is by relaxing and dedicating thirty minutes to sitting in a quiet place and analyzing my thoughts. I will just lay back and let my mind guide me through what it needs to go through. This has helped me be more in touch with my emotions and have a better idea of what I am feeling. Getting more in touch with the thoughts you have and understanding what you need when something feels off is another way of making everyday life better for yourself, and key to being a generally happier person. 

Since I started taking the time to focus on what I need I feel more aware of my surroundings and more secure in my life. It has made me more grateful for the people in my life and the people I get to see everyday, as well as the people I don't get to see everyday. I take more time to focus on what I need and how to help myself get through a stressful week of homework, class, and work. For currently going through my most stressful semester of college, and quite possibly the most stressful time of my life, I have found a way to prevail and ultimately make life happier as well as easier on myself.

If you ever find yourself lost in the struggles of everyday life, maybe you just need to give yourself the opportunity to see the world from a different perspective, over the last year my perspective on life has changed in a lot of ways and it has been a shocking, yet welcomed surprise. I hope you all have a wonderful week and stay warm through this cold winter weather. Find a way to take in what's around you and look at life under a new light and amazing things can happen.
