Absorbing the World Around Yourself
Welcome back Friends! It has been a long two weeks since my last post, and I hope no one was itching for a post last week, but I am here now. It has been a rough and cold couple weeks for us North Dakotan's, so I hope that other places have been better. Today I would like to discuss how absorbing the world around you can benefit your social and professional life in a number of ways. Being more aware can create a happier life and make you more aware of your surroundings. I took the time today to just sit down and absorb the world around me. I just sat still for 15 minutes and looked around the room, while focusing on my breathing, clearing my head, and blocking out any distractions. This isn't the first time I have done such a thing, since the start of this spring semester I have taken more time to fully empty my head and look at the world from a different perspective, taking time to focus on the beauty in the small parts of the world is an important part of searching for what m...