
Showing posts from February, 2023

Absorbing the World Around Yourself

Welcome back Friends! It has been a long two weeks since my last post, and I hope no one was itching for a post last week, but I am here now. It has been a rough and cold couple weeks for us North Dakotan's, so I hope that other places have been better. Today I would like to discuss how absorbing the world around you can benefit your social and professional life in a number of ways. Being more aware can create a happier life and make you more aware of your surroundings. I took the time today to just sit down and absorb the world around me. I just sat still for 15 minutes and looked around the room, while focusing on my breathing, clearing my head, and blocking out any distractions. This isn't the first time I have done such a thing, since the start of this spring semester I have taken more time to fully empty my head and look at the world from a different perspective, taking time to focus on the beauty in the small parts of the world is an important part of searching for what m...

Can Money Buy You Happiness?

Hello all! Welcome to my personal opinion on if money can buy you happiness. Again this is my point of view on the topic, so it is going to be biased perspective, but a little insight on why this is a topic I wanted to discuss this topic. I am a finance major, so money is something I will fairly consistently deal with through out my professional career, I am also very interested in psychology, as I am getting my minor in managerial psychology, and I am also a human in 2023, so I spend money everyday of my life. Recently I decided to make the investment and buy a vacuum. I live on campus at NDSU, so normally you just check one out form the front desk at your residence hall when you need to vacuum, which I did, but they are very poor vacuums, so on impulse I bought a four-hundred dollar vacuum marked down to two-hundred-fifty dollars form best buy. Through this whole process one of my roommates was experiencing it first hand, he thought that it was ridiculous that I would buy a brand new...