The Beginning - Introduction to Zane

Welcome to the first entry of The Zane Today. I'd like to take this opportunity to give my readers a little insight to who I am and what this blog is all about. I am Zane Sprynczynatyk, a 19 year old college student at North Dakota State University. I am currently in the process of completing my bachelors degree in Finance with a minor in managerial psychology, but given the opportunity I would like to pursue a gradates degree as well. Most of my spare time is currently used up by my job at Gate City Bank as a Teller, but I also like going to the gym to lift and play basketball, as well as play video games when I get the opportunity. I am an avid Minnesota sports fan, I never miss a Vikings game, and when I have the time I watch the Timberwolves and Twins as well. 

My interest in the topic of Finance originates from my fascination with numbers, from my early years of school I have always enjoyed math as a subject. In elementary school in my spare time I would write my own basic math problems to solve because it kept my brain warm. Both of my parents also work in the finance/accounting field as well, so having grown up in that atmosphere also was a big motivator behind the decision to focus on finance. Managerial Psychology came into the equation later on, I hadn't been interested in any form of psychology at any point in my life until half way through my freshman year of college. I realized that understanding humans is one of the most useful life skills a person can have, as we all deal with humans everyday of our lives. At one point in time I had also considered a double major in accounting, which isn't out of the question yet, but my current mentality is to try and finish college as soon as I can, and start working. 

After finishing my time at NDSU I will likely work a couple more months at my current job, relax for a while, look for an entry level finance job, but also continue to make some money. Once the opportunity does arise I want to move out of North Dakota and go to Arizona, the cold winters here do get to be too much sometimes. With my professional career I would like to work in the analytical side of finance, helping a company to maximize their profits and cut losses. Maybe someday in the far future I would be able to work in Financial Management and put my minor to use in leading a small team to help a company be more successful. If I were able to find a company that offered to pay for me to further my education, and get my MBA I would love to take the opportunity, I would maybe even do it regardless of someone paying for it.

On that Note, that will wrap up my first blog post on this page. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and Ideas on this page throughout this semester, and hope to entertain those of you who read this blog consistently and possible teach you all a couple of things as we go. Have a good week and Martin Luther King Day!
