
Showing posts from January, 2023

Online Classes at Universities

Source:  Online Course Concerns I have now been a student at NDSU for roughly eighteen months (3 semesters) and taken a wide variety of classes, twenty-three different classes to be exact. Of those twenty-three I have taken, ten of them have been online courses, so I would also say I have a decent amount of experience with Online courses. Today I am going to break down the varieties of online classes I have taken, briefly go over what subjects I found easier, which classes gave out heavier work loads, and weather or not I would recommend taking certain classes online or, in an uncomfortable chair with a professors guidance. Maybe in some ways this will provide insight to someone just starting their college education who hasn't experienced what an online class at a University is like. Before I dig in I would like to mention that online classes are not ideal for everyone, and some people my hate my opinion, and that's okay. Sometimes you just need the in person class to tie you d...

Year End Financial Statements - Best Buy's Annual Report

As 2022 has just ended there are many major financial reports for a wide variety of companies that have already released and are in the process of being released in the coming weeks. When spending most of your time in finance classes, as well as making some of your own investments, these statements tend to come up a lot this time of year. With that I had to do some work with Best Buys annual report and Financial Statements, so today I would like to take the time to break it down and talk about it briefly with you all.  Best Buy starts off their annual report the same as most, with a message from their CEO, Corie Barry. She starts by addressing the record breaking year that the company had in 2022 and continues right into the main points of what the course of action for 2023 is. Best buy has been the main retailor of the latest technology for the past 20 years, ever since Radio Shack fizzled off in the late 2000's. Their continual surge as the leader in the technological retail mark...

The Beginning - Introduction to Zane

Welcome to the first entry of The Zane Today. I'd like to take this opportunity to give my readers a little insight to who I am and what this blog is all about. I am Zane Sprynczynatyk, a 19 year old college student at North Dakota State University. I am currently in the process of completing my bachelors degree in Finance with a minor in managerial psychology, but given the opportunity I would like to pursue a gradates degree as well. Most of my spare time is currently used up by my job at Gate City Bank as a Teller, but I also like going to the gym to lift and play basketball, as well as play video games when I get the opportunity. I am an avid Minnesota sports fan, I never miss a Vikings game, and when I have the time I watch the Timberwolves and Twins as well.  My interest in the topic of Finance originates from my fascination with numbers, from my early years of school I have always enjoyed math as a subject. In elementary school in my spare time I would write my own basic mat...